Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How to enable back greyed out Windows Aero.

Well you over optimised your Windows PC and ended up having a Windows Classic desktop. Now you want to revert back to your original out-of-the-box Windows Aero look. But unfortunately you can’t.




Does your options look like this.


Then someone told you on the forums to open taskbar properties. And that window looks like this “greyed out option”. Daunting isn’t it.



Well, then i must share a quick way.

Follow the steps. and get your original desktop back.

  1. Click on “Start” and search for “services.msc” and open it.
  2. Search for “themes” in the services.


  3. Right click ”themes” and select “Properties” and a settings windows will appear. I guess it would be in disabled state.  

  4. Select startup type as “Automatic” and click on “Apply” and “Okay”.
  5. Restart your PC and see the action.
  6. Your Aero themes will be back.

Blogger Labels: Aero,Classic,option,steps,Click,Start,services,Search,Select,Automatic,Okay,Restart,action,options,forums,themes,desktop

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How to install Borland C++ with IDE

Are you a student of Class XI (Science)? Are you pissed off because the books (ahmmm Sumita Arora) are still encouraging the old and obsolete 20th century compiler “Borland”? Are you still unable to install any good* IDE?

If you do, then you guys need not to worry more... Freetechy has again come up with new revolutionary ideas.


*Borland sold their compiler to Embarcadero and isn’t making any IDE for newer Operating systems; sure you won’t use that Blue Screen in 2013, although some people do (may be nostalgia).
What we need: Borland 5.5 compiler, C-Free Standard IDE, Windows XP or later (sorry Linux users)
Enough Blabbering let’s move on to the Steps:
1. We need a fresh copy of the Borland Compiler. You can download it from here.  They would ask you to fill a form. If you are uncomfortable with that then download the compiler from any other source.
2. After downloading it, Make sure you install it. The process is a joke, “Next, Next, Next”.
3. Make sure that the default installation directory is "C:\Borland\BCC55". where “C:” is your root directory. Although it’s not necessary but it makes things easier. Any IDE will detect it automatically.
borland 2
4. We also need a good, light-weight IDE. You can get C-Free 4 Standard from here. Make sure you don’t download the professional version as it will expire in 30 days and I don’t want to focus on piracy here.
5. Install it after downloading it. Again the process to install is a good joke (may be for an 80’s computer geek). If it automatically recognises the installed Borland compiler then it’s good, if not then move on to next step.
6. Configuring the Borland Compiler manually- After installing of the Borland C++ Compiler 5.5. In order to use it in C-Free, we need to do some simple configurations for this compiler. Start C-Free, go to "Build" menu, and choose "Build Options" item, the "Build Options" dialog appears.
7. Click the ">" button, in the popup menu select "New Configuration..." item. The "New Configuration" dialog appears.
8. We select Builder Type as "Borland C++ Compiler", and input Configuration Name "bcc5.5". Of course, you can select any name that you want. After "OK", the "Compiler Location" dialog appears.
9. In this dialog, we select the compiler's folder. Here we can see the folder of Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 that we specified when we installed it. If your installation of compiler cannot be detected by C-Free, please select the "Locate Manually" to specify the folder of the compiler by yourself.
10. After clicking "OK", all paths will be added automatically. Following are the screen shots of each path.
ide5  ide6 ide7
11. After clicking "OK", the Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 has been configured ok in C-Free. Now you are good to go.
12. You can configure the size of the text from “Tools” > “Editor Properties”.
Just did a small screencasting. Install Borland IDE.

What’s wrong with this compiler: Lack of support from Modern IDE, and c’mon it’s 2013, several years after the creation of ANSI C++. Although compiler is not an important stuff, it’s your passion and algorithm which is counted, doesn’t matter which compiler or even language you use. Although book authors should shift on to GNU GCC compilers which is cross-platform.
Keep coding.

*Note for Linux and Mac and every other OS users: Code::Blocks has some issues in supporting Borland.

Blogger Labels: Borland,student,Class,Science,Sumita,Arora,Freetechy,ideas,Embarcadero,Blue,nostalgia,Free,Standard,Linux,Enough,Steps,Compiler,Make,installation,directory,Although,version,Install,Again,computer,geek,Start,Build,menu,item,Click,Configuration,Builder,Type,Name,Location,folder,Here,Locate,path,size,text,Tools,Editor,Lack,Modern,creation,ANSI,passion,language,platform,Keep,Note,Code,systems,users,Options,paths,authors,download,dialog